Weekend Tire Unloader (Part-Time)

Freight Breakers Roanoke, TX $300-$500 per week

The harder/faster you work, the more you get paid.

This job is very physically demanding, so be prepared to work hard.

Work Type

Warehouse: Unloading tires out of trailers

Lumper: Unloading by hand

*The Warehouse is not climate controlled: It gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer.


Production: weekly pay ($300-$500)

-Paid per trailer completed

-Benefits/Vacation available




-1st shift (6am-2:30pm)


-Pass a background check

-Pass a drug test

-Must have reliable and consistent transportation

-Punctuality and self-responsibility

*Preferences but not required:

-Physical/manual labor experience

-Warehouse experience

-Previous package handling experience

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