Server Assistant


A Server Assistant is responsible for supporting waitstaff in carrying beverages and meal items to designated tables. Their duties include communicating with Waiters to determine their needs, carrying food items from the expediting counter to the right table and helping with cleanup duties after the conclusion of service.

Server Assistant skills and qualifications

The responsibilities and duties of a Server Assistant center around their ability to deliver food correctly to the customers who ordered it. That may seem simple, but there’s actually quite a bit more involved in being a Server Assistant including these major duties and responsibilities:

  • Deliver food orders to customers quickly and accurately

  • Uphold sanitation and food safety principles

  • Bus tables by removing dirty dishes and trash

  • Check in with customers to ensure their experience is satisfactory

  • Relay reports of customer satisfaction to the management and relevant parties

  • Ensure patrons have all the appropriate tableware they need to properly enjoy their food

  • Assist setting up tables before service with appropriate utensils, napkins and decorations

  • Handle various impromptu requests from customers

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