Cashier - Ratliff City Full-Time

PROGRESSIVE ENERGY LLC Ratliff City, OK $12.00 quincenal

The first prompt to apply is the Easy Apply Process. Once this is complete the full application will be mailed to you. The full application must be filled out for hire.

We will be hiring a Full-Time position.

Progressive Energy is seeking self-driven, friendly, reliable, and dedicated individuals to join our Promart Convenience Store team! We own and operate 5 Promart Convenience Store locations located in Ardmore, Healdton, Ratliff City, and Dickson. Job duties may require cash handling, minor lifting, cooking, cleaning, and customer service. As a customer service environment, we seek friendly smiling faces to bring into our stores. If you are ready to get to work, face the public, and dedicate your time and efforts we would love to see your applications!

PROGRESSIVE ENERGY LLC es un empleador de EEO - M / F / Veterinarios / Discapacitados
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