Host/Front Desk

Grassa Gramma Louisville, KY $10-$15

A Host/Hostess presents a positive first impression of the establishment’s friendliness, excellent service, and high standards. The Host/Hostess also greet Guests upon arrival, inform Guests of their wait time, monitor a waiting list, enter Guest names into the computer system, show Guests to their table and bid Guests farewell as they leave.

A Host/Hostess must be able to carry a natural conversation with Guests without sounding scripted or intrusive. Additionally, the Host cares for our Guests by refilling beverages and performs light housekeeping duties such as cleaning glasses and menus and ensures restrooms are clean, stocked and orderly. As a member of an energetic team, the Host/Hostess may also need to answer the phones and fill to-go orders when needed. Availability must include nights and weekends.

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